Top Queries

Why do I need practical training alongwith academics?

Applying academic knowledge to real world is the key to get industry ready. So there's no better time for practical training than during your academic days itself.

So is college academics not relevant?

That's exactly the wrong perception many graduates develop on finding a gap between academic knowledge and on field practice. The reality is, one should know how to apply the knowledge in practice.

Why online trainings and not offline?

We offer offline physical trainings as well at our Pune (PCMC) branch. However, students who cannot travel due to academic schedule or financial or ongoing work commitment issues, can still pursue online course. We offer option of physcial practice alongwith online learning at few locations apart from PCMC as well.

Who delivers the trainings?

Be it our any course, civil, architecture or other, the trainers are strictly industry people, who have worked for minimum 5 years (juior mentors) or 15 years (senior mentors).